Visual/sound art & experimental music festival
multiple venues, Kraków, PL
multiple venues, Kraków, PL

Started as a niche club event in 2017 in Kraków, Poland, Nadmiar developed into 6-days experimental music & visual art festival. Each edition is a response to a current socio-political issue. The main goal of the project is to create a social situation – a temporary solidarity platform for social action inspired by Gayatri Spivak's strategic essentialism concept. To achieve this, Nadmiar approaches academic topics in a non-academic way and vice versa in a complex form of a festival. The 2019 edition titled Revision was dedicated to post-Anthropocene imaginaries. The programme contains a six-day-long festival included: exhibitions, workshops, discussion panels, live acts and DJ sets as a result of collaboration with over 40 Polish artists, and local galleries. It’s time every Contemporary Dandy face up the mirror and think about the fact of how much water has been used to produce this extravagant silky scarf.exerpt of the curatorial text

Karolina Galla
Fuck it! Sex toys from upcycled plastic

Together Pamoja, Kraków, Poland
Fat guy white shirt

Post-apocalyptic, abandoned shopping mall.
Artists: Karolina Jarzębak, Tomasz Nowak
Curator: Kamil Kuitkowski
Jak Zapomnieć gallery, Kraków, Poland
Dar Serca/ Gift of Heart

From second-hand, dumped clothes to high fashion. Fashion collection in collaboration with women from the Refugees Asylum House in Łuków.
Artist & facilitator: Pamela Bożek
photograph: Alicja Kozak
stylist: Taras Gembik
makeup: Joanna Wojniłko
model: Oliwia Lis
photograph assistant & producent: Kamil Twardowski
support: Ada Wróblewska
photograph: Alicja Kozak
stylist: Taras Gembik
makeup: Joanna Wojniłko
model: Oliwia Lis
photograph assistant & producent: Kamil Twardowski
support: Ada Wróblewska
J e d n a z d r u g ą, Kraków, Poland

Friday – live sets/performances

Visuals: Serotoninaerror // no art visuals
Saturday – concerts and dj sets

splndr with Maja Luxenburg and Katarzyna Oczkowska

Ukasz Roth

House of Public Vogue performance

FOQL & VJ Copy Corpo
House of Public Vogue performance
FOQL & VJ Copy Corpo
Rekombinacje & VJ Agnespies
Kryst (Rygor)
Justyna Stasiowska
Ukasz Roth
Ukasz Roth
Nastasja Filipowna
Warsztat, Kraków, Poland